Lost Your Google Analytics account

As soon as we take over management of a website, we need to know how much website traffic they are getting, so these are the two common steps:

No Google Analytics Account Details

If you don’t have the details to login to Google Analytics, perhaps your previous web developer did it all and they have the Google Analytics account, these are the steps to reclaim a Google Analytics account:

  1. Find out your Google Analytics ID (you can find this by looking at your page source code, it will look like UA-xxxxxxxx-x)
  2. Sign into, or sign up for, Google Adwords
  3. Head to the Google Adwords Help center, you’ll see a ‘Contact Us’ button – click this
  4. Choose the ‘Email’ option
  5. Choose ‘Google Analytics’ in the next screen
  6. Then Choose ‘Analytics Administrator has left’
  7. Fill in the form and wait for someone to contact you

Share Your Google Analytics Account

Then the last part is explained in this short video about how to share your Google Analytics account with your web developer.



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